Bing Jian is a textbook of talent studies both at home and abroad, and a classic document about knowing and meeting people. Tips.
冰鑒一部縱橫中外的人才學教科書,一部關於識人、相人的經典文獻,是曾國藩總結自身識人、用人心得而成的一部傳世奇書,是曾國藩體察入微、洞悉人心的心法要訣,它因具有極強的實用性、啟迪性和借鑒性而受到各界人士的重視和喜愛。冰鑒為讀者打造一條走近曾國藩的智慧之道,感受他獨到的識人、用人策略。Bing Jian is a textbook of talent studies both at home and abroad, and a classic document about knowing and meeting people. The key point is that it is highly valued and loved by people from all walks of life because of its strong practicality, enlightenment and reference.Bing Jian creates a way for readers to approach Zeng Guofans wisdom and feel his unique strategy of knowing and employing people.1、修復已知問題;2、修改提示文案。